Do you read better on paper?

find functionDo e-readers inhibit reading comprehension? is a very comprehensive article which looks at a number of global research projects and ideas to explore whether we read better on paper or on screen. To sum it up:

“When reading on screens, people seem less inclined to engage in what psychologists call metacognitive learning regulation — strategies such as setting specific goals, rereading difficult sections and checking how much one has understood along the way.”

In the end it concludes the differences are small but the differences which are explored along the way do apply to students and texts and are very much worth considering. Some of it is to do with how we create texts in our minds as we explore them. Some of it is to do with how we search back through texts. Searching through texts is easy but it is not our habit. It is something we have to learn, as we had to learn reading in the first place. It is also about sharing how to do that and how to approach it. When you are reading in a browser, did you know if you pres CTRL F (on a Mac COMMAND F) the screen will come up with a box so you can search for text ? Software comes with a find function even if it is not displayed. I think the message to developers is please show a search option for people to use or , at least make it obvious how you do that.

Here is another, shorter, article about how e-readers help engagement in reading. There has also been some research about how e-readers help dyslexia.

There will need to be continued studies but there also needs to be continued  teaching and learning around electronic texts in the same way there has always been teaching and learning about how to approach a print text.

Personalise and connect their learning

TeFL 4.3When I wrote the post Teach to their needs I discussed how I could approach students and create a lesson where they felt they were stupid, didn’t know anything and were inadequate. As a teacher you hold success or failure in your lesson planning and approach. My students could see they had quite an important learning gap but we spoke about how I had picked that gap and used it to make them look like they were incompetent. I had come back the next lesson and done something even harder and showed them they knew much more than they thought. On both occasions they had to blog about it and the feedback I got showed me they had understood what I was trying to show them and had realised their learning was also their responsibility and that feeling successful was how I could connect them to their learning. When you create lessons you are creating content for who you are teaching NOW. They may be year 11s but they are your 2014 year 11s. Their lessons need to provide what they need to feel successful. You create the content and you think about how you are going to share it with them. You then get their feedback and you work out how that will then be grown and changed into newer and better knowledge. I am following the same principle now. I am creating content for this post. I have used a four square graphic organiser from Teach-Nology because I want my content to be clear and accessible. I want the messages to stand out. I have shown Teachn-Nology by putting up their graphic organiser and sharing it they are now getting feedback from me as to how it can be used in practice. My post is published and I will get more feedback here, on Twitter, at school. That will then put this post into a new light and a new perspective for me. It will grow my post into something new. My thinking, creativity and knowledge don’t stop because I have “done” something. It’s the 21st Century. I have to keep moving!

1. Create content
2. Share content
3. Get feedback
4. Grow content

You have to grow to blossom.

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