Differentiating social media

Social Media explainedSocial media have been with us for so long that they are now all developing their own personalities and raison d’être. There are a number of different “social media explained” versions going around but I really liked this one because it’s on a whiteboard and included the hashtag for Twitter. Hashtags are a very strong feature of Twitter. If you haven’t used social media then this image demonstrates the differences in flavour. It is why it is important to participate in our developing technologies. Like trams, buses , taxis and private cars they are a building block in their own way of our current society just as transport was a building block of industrial society. There could also be Foursquare – where you purchased your doughnut. LinkedIn could also be the Doughnut expert or developer and iTunes could be the podcast on Doughnuts. Knowing the relative emphasises and impact of different social media makes it possible for you to make considered decisions about which ones to use for a particular task, project or campaign. It also means you have a linguistic awareness of what would be expected in terms of how you express yourself. Finally,just to prove a point about how news and helpful information travels fast via social media, I got this from @leesargent who got it from Reddit which had got it from 25.media.tumblr.com which gave me an Access Denied (story of my life this week) error link but it comes up on various sites like Ryan Honick’s who , like me ,is thanking someone else. This image is seriously doing the rounds…so pass it forward! Thank you to the original creator of this.

One Response

  1. […] of top posts is here. Well, there has been quite a bit of change with my top posts this quarter. 1. Differentiating social media features an image I chanced upon and thought showed very effectively not only how embedded social […]


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