Windows 10 running hard disk at 100%

performance monitorWere this computer older and with fewer resources I would have been panicking at the 100% disk usage on Windows 10. It would crash the computer. Not a good look or feel. It happened after the recent update. This morning I have had to have a good look at it then work out a plan. I never go about things like this without having some steps to follow. Using my computer to search was out of the question so I searched on my iPad. Pays to have access to another device sometimes.

I found the tips on cleverfiles to be helpful. There are sites with similar information but this one made it very clear.

I looked at my performance monitor and Search and Cortana were taking up too much disk I/O. I restarted the computer, disabled search in the process, restarted and that did nothing. Did not remove the search at all. Win 10 does as it pleases sometimes.

performance monitorI noticed Skype was using resources. I don’t use Skype and hadn’t installed it. I removed it. There was an improvement.

Chrome has been having issues with Windows 10 for a while. They do not play nicely together anymore. I ran it Win 8 compatible but that was not something I could try today because it was blocked out so I am on Edge. It uses fewer resources.

Now my computer is running a lot better but still shoots up to 100% disk usage. I have a malware fighter so I don’t think that is the issue.

I am hoping the next update form Windows will resolve this. Edge is using up a lot of RAM in content processing. Why? Ditto Radeon setting. I’ll try Firefox tomorrow to see if that helps but I have , at least, got myself out of the emergency situation . Pretty silly in 2020 when things should be sorted by now.

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