Puzzle Craft 2

Puzzle Craft 2

Castle upgrade

When you are in it for the long haul , you can find a game isn’t what is was and becomes something totally different. Puzzle Craft 2 , at this stage, is less about the puzzle boards and very much more about strategy and meeting the challenges of the game as effectively as I can. The boards are playing out differently because I have to mainly pay runes to open very important chests. Sometimes I can open them with the challenge for the chest but that is not often the case even when I try my hardest! I have upgraded the castle several times now to get the extra tools benefits. That certainly makes a difference but I have to ensure I have the resources to make the extra tools. This is proving to be quite hard now I have passed the upgrade in the picture and am onto the next one. It requires such vast quantities of critical resources that balancing that all out to allow myself to keep playing the game is an interesting test of my thinking skills. At one stage with the castle upgrades I invested in workers because that simplified the collection of resources for me. Never underestimate the value of workers. I have had to think about which ones too. Just buying any workers is not helpful. I have to think about  which ones will help me progress in the game. I have to check the almanac too. Information about plants and animals is important when you want to gain more points or fight the swamp or moles.

I haven’t worked out what the blocked board is about. Only that it comes out of nowhere very suddenly, takes the whole board and replaces  it and there is a message of congratulations which is never there long enough so I can read it! The blocked board totally upends my cognitive flow, annoys me no end and then I am forced to just let it go and get on with the board I am given. There is never any feeling on my part the board is blocked and I should have thought I’d be the one to decide that and have a way of unblocking it. It’s aggressive play on the game’s part to make me a victim like when I first encountered the pirate ship and had to deal with that as a victim and fall foul of it. Not any more ! I have cannons!! I  have also done the castle upgrades to get MORE cannons.

Bit by bit I am achieving all the animals and plants. Bit by bit I am achieving all the awards. I shall never completely finish the game because I won’t be doing the royal challenges where I have to network the game. I have networked 3 other farm games and then all fell apart either because people are very mean, self centred players or because I have had things stolen. Lesson learned. Meanwhile, I have hundreds of resources to collect and a cave painting to find so I can continue on…

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