Convert file formats online

online converter We are going through another stage of technology where everything seems to have a different file format. That is okay if you are only using one OS or one gadget. Most of us are going across platform or receiving files in different formats. My need for an online converter comes from the fact I have to go from Windows to Apple to Ubuntu. On a daily basis I am going from Windows to Apple or Ubuntu to Apple. I have worked out that video presentations just need to be able to run on all platforms. Enter the online converter. It is not just for videos though. It will convert different files to another format for you very efficiently. I do have file converters on my computer and they are fine. The problem arises when I am not on that computer or I am using someone else’s computer or I am shifting from one OS to another….or I cannot be bothered downloading yet another converter. I might build a presentation in Windows but then need to run it on my MacBook or vice versa. So last night again I was converting files so they would play in a presentation I am making.The original files would not import. Online Converter is quick, easy and efficient. No more frustration because I cannot import my files!

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